Bernie didn't get rediculously big like Mark Mcgwire or Barry Bonds. However there was a definite increase that just so happens to have occured in the thick of the "steroid era". And, of course, his power numbers increased as a result.
In 1993, Bernie weighed 180 lbs and hit 12 homeruns. In 1994, Bernie weighed 180 lbs and hit 12 homeruns in a strike shortened season. In 1995, Bernie weighed 180 lbs and hit 18 homeruns. Solid consistancy, no fluctuations in weight.
In 1996 (pictured above) he gains 15 lbs and hits 29 homers. What's noticeable about the pic above (bottom) is that not only did Bernie gain 15 lbs, but he is also more ripped and toned, with much greater vascularity. This means that he probably dropped 5 pounds of fat, and gained 20 lbs of muscle. His body fat percentage clearly dropped a great deal as well.
His homerun totals responded nicely to this new muscle. The next 6 seasons, Bernie averages 25 homeruns in 143 games (compared to averaging 14 homers in 131 games*). Then 2003 happens (note: this is the year where the MLB player union agreed to anonymous steroid testing). Bernie's homerun total dips to 15 in 119 games (on pace for 18 homeruns if he matched his 143 games average).
Bernie finishes his last 4 seasons (post steroid testing) averaging 15 homeruns in 135 games.
I understand that Bernie's numbers can easily be explained by a player doing better in his prime and slowly trailing off. But that doesn't explain a player putting on 20 lbs of muscle in half a year and morphing into a real homerun threat during the height of the "steroid era." It is a near impossibility to gain 20 lbs of muscle in 5-6 months without some help.
I'm not convinced Bernie was a steroid guy, but his gains are consistant with an andro user or other pro-hormone over-the-counter supplements that were legal and readily availble during those infamous years.
Pro-hormone drugs, such as andro, were legal and unregulated during the steroid era. They have since been banned by major league baseball, and any player who takes them today would fail a PED test and be suspended for 50 games. With that said, today's steroid testing is not very effective. If they really want to catch people using PED, they would have to test every 6 -8 weeks for the entire year. If they did that, I guarentee it would put an end to players coming back from the offseason gaining 20 lbs pure muscle.
Seriously WTF: Why the hell does football get a free pass on steroids!?! Every single guy in football is more muscley than baseball players with the exception of the kickers. Its funny because people would often say about Mcgwire "he's built like a lineman". But somehow the lineman gets a free-pass and Mcgwire is demonized shortly after being credited for saving baseball....
If Jose Canseco is correct with his assertion that 70% of major league baseball players used steroids, I would argue that at least 98% football players are users.
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